This years sign challenge was scheduled to be a part of the Vegas ISA show in April of 2021. For obvious reasons, the competion will be virtual this year and entries will be judged by on-line voting. The theme for this years competion is “go fish”. As in previous years competitions, the theme is left to the artist’s imagination to interpret and this is my version.
I have been looking for an excuse to create some Runes symbols and this is the perfect opportunity. The Rune alphabet was used from 150 AD to 1100 AD by various Germanic languages. They were rarely inscribed on paper but rather into stone or bronze. This explains the lack of curves and the focus on straight lines.
I have created a company known as the Ostmen Lure Co. which was the principle supplier of fishing lures to many Viking outposts. The symbols that line the front of the sign represent the phrase “go fish” in the Runes alaphabet. Elsewhere, other words are represented that may be decoded with a Runes translator.
To create the look of ancient bronze on the characters, I used the Trotec Speedy 400 laser to etch away the surface in a distressed manner. Once this was done, the characters received a series of paint finishes which ultimately produced a very aged appearance.
Even the backgrounds for the symbols were etched on the laser to produce an aged and worn appearance.
This work is still in progress but I’l share some pictures of progress to date.